Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is Your Man Starting to Withdraw and You Don't Know How to Keep His Attention? These Tips Will Help

Is Your Man Starting to Withdraw and You Don't Know How to Keep His Attention? These Tips Will Help

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If you feel your guy pulling away from you, you probably want to know how to get him just as interested in you as he was initially. Here's how you can try:

The More Space, the Better

Sometimes a guy might just be overwhelmed with all the changes and feelings that accompany a new relationship or dating situation. This will cause him to need space, but sometimes he won't know how to communicate this or ask you for the time apart he needs.

Take the initiative and make a conscious effort to spend less time together. This might be very hard for you to do, but you might be amazed how much this can help.

Pinpoint Why He is Shrinking Away

Think realistically about the possible reasons he is starting to withdraw.

Is it something heavy going on in his life that he is having trouble with? It isn't always about you, so think about him and his present situation before you jump to conclusions and start blaming yourself.

Don't Try Too Hard

Many women make the mistake of trying too hard when they're trying to get a man to pay more attention to them. In a desperate attempt to stop him from distancing himself, they will cling onto him even more. This only makes him withdraw more.

If he's starting to withdraw, simply be aware of it and don't change your behavior too drastically. Often times, it's just a phase he's going through and doesn't necessarily spell disaster for the relationship. So just relax and be yourself.

Don't Try To Make Him Jealous

This isn't the type of situation in which you want to try and make him jealous. When a man is pulling away from a woman in this manner, this type of action to get a reaction from him and more attention often backfires.

There's ways to make him want you badly all over again without resorting to this.

Remind Him of How Desirable You Are

All it takes for this to happen is a night out together when you look your absolute best and there are lots of people around.

After you've taken some time apart, go out on a date together. Make sure it's a night when there will be lots of other people out, such as a Friday or Saturday evening. Put on your favorite outfit that you look the hottest in and move confidently as you hold his hand or intertwine your arm with his. The more attention you get from other men, the more he will notice that your attention is all on him. This will make him proud to be with you and remind him of many reasons he's with you in the first place.

Focus on You and Your Life

After a certain point in a relationship, the sheer sexy thrill is gone and all you have is each other and your true personalities. What keeps a man interested at this point is your personality-who you really are deep down-and all the unique things that make you special.

So focus on you and your life, instead of obsessing over why he's pulling a disappearing act or acting distant. If you have a talent or hobby, devote all your free time to that and enjoy it. If you have a unique or interesting job, dive into it wholly and distract yourself with work. Seeing that you are a hard-working, ambitious and talented woman can help him snap out of it.

Have a Heart-to-Heart

It can be quite difficult, but it may be necessary to simply have a chat with him. Directly ask him, without anger or hysterics, why he's pulling away. Ask him if there's anything you can do to help if he's going through a rough time, and get some feedback about what's going on in his head. Hopefully he'll open up and you'll be able to move in your relationship and be a stronger couple.

The More Space, the Better

Sometimes a guy might just be overwhelmed with all the changes and feelings that accompany a new relationship or dating situation. This will cause him to need space, but sometimes he won't know how to communicate this or ask you for the time apart he needs.

Take the initiative and make a conscious effort to spend less time together. This might be very hard for you to do, but you might be amazed how much this can help.

Pinpoint Why He is Shrinking Away

Think realistically about the possible reasons he is starting to withdraw.

Is it something heavy going on in his life that he is having trouble with? It isn't always about you, so think about him and his present situation before you jump to conclusions and start blaming yourself.

Don't Try Too Hard

Many women make the mistake of trying too hard when they're trying to get a man to pay more attention to them. In a desperate attempt to stop him from distancing himself, they will cling onto him even more. This only makes him withdraw more.

If he's starting to withdraw, simply be aware of it and don't change your behavior too drastically. Often times, it's just a phase he's going through and doesn't necessarily spell disaster for the relationship. So just relax and be yourself.

Don't Try To Make Him Jealous

This isn't the type of situation in which you want to try and make him jealous. When a man is pulling away from a woman in this manner, this type of action to get a reaction from him and more attention often backfires.

There's ways to make him want you badly all over again without resorting to this.

Remind Him of How Desirable You Are

All it takes for this to happen is a night out together when you look your absolute best and there are lots of people around.

After you've taken some time apart, go out on a date together. Make sure it's a night when there will be lots of other people out, such as a Friday or Saturday evening. Put on your favorite outfit that you look the hottest in and move confidently as you hold his hand or intertwine your arm with his. The more attention you get from other men, the more he will notice that your attention is all on him. This will make him proud to be with you and remind him of many reasons he's with you in the first place.

Focus on You and Your Life

After a certain point in a relationship, the sheer sexy thrill is gone and all you have is each other and your true personalities. What keeps a man interested at this point is your personality-who you really are deep down-and all the unique things that make you special.

So focus on you and your life, instead of obsessing over why he's pulling a disappearing act or acting distant. If you have a talent or hobby, devote all your free time to that and enjoy it. If you have a unique or interesting job, dive into it wholly and distract yourself with work. Seeing that you are a hard-working, ambitious and talented woman can help him snap out of it.

Have a Heart-to-Heart

It can be quite difficult, but it may be necessary to simply have a chat with him. Directly ask him, without anger or hysterics, why he's pulling away. Ask him if there's anything you can do to help if he's going through a rough time, and get some feedback about what's going on in his head. Hopefully he'll open up and you'll be able to move in your relationship and be a stronger couple.

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