Saturday, November 19, 2011

The One Percent Success Rate When Starting an Internet Business and How to Make Sure You're in It

The One Percent Success Rate When Starting an Internet Business and How to Make Sure You're in It

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Starting an internet business is a pretty common goal for many of us.The chance to leave the job and the 9-5 and be successful. Turn on your computer and jump onto the internet and you may even begin to believe that it's easy. And when you switch on your laptop and get online it even seems that it's simple. That everyone's doing it. I'm sure you've seen the get rich quick promises online that can suck you in and leave you believing that all you have do is follow the simple automated system and this time next week all your problem will be over.

The fact is that the internet "gurus" pushing these make money online systems are probably doing very well and making a nice amount of money.Whether you will is obviously another question. You know that 99% of all internet businesses fail right? Google it, starting an internet business gives you a 99% chance of failure.That's not a very big success rate. So why is it so difficult? Why is the failure rate so high?

Well I would like to hazard a guess at why this, and think that it could help to get you in that top one percent,and not get stuck with the 99% of people that don't make any money online. So why do the majority of people fail?

Well I think that if you look at the way that most people get involved in an online business, it's actually pretty easy to see why.Firstly, starting an internet business seems to appeal to a certain type of individual. The kind of person that isn't satisfied with life by the numbers, with barely getting by, with being forced to conform to a job or career so that they can out food on the table.Online businesses appeal to people that want a higher quality of life and aren't afraid to go for it.

These kind of people are action takers, they are seekers, they have big visions and dreams and are prepared to go after them.Starting an internet business is a natural fit, and the big internet "gurus" are well aware of this fact. They know the hopes that have because they've had the same ones.They know how to get through to you and what to say.They have been there and felt it, and still do.

The desire for joy, freedom, independence, success.These are emotional hot buttons, we all have them. And a successful internet business can satisfy them. So the hundreds of ads for making money online that you will come across if you have an interest in starting an internet business, will all appeal and push these hot emotional buttons,and because we are the kind of people that want to make things better for ourselves, we can be more easily seduced.

We are give these gurus our trust and often get let down. Because what they are selling us isn't reality.It is a marketing plan they follow to push our buttons and get us to open our wallets. We want to believe that we can have a hands-free , automated business that makes us six figures a month,and we want it as soon as possible, tomorrow if possible, today is better.

Because that means we can quit the job we hate. We can not have to worry about the bills, the mortgage.The gurus are well aware that we are in it for a reason. How many of us honestly don't want to be wealthy and free? Which of us doesn't want that. It's what everyone really wants, well obviously there will be a few expectation but on the whole I think it's pretty accurate. Money and freedom.

And we are prepared to chase that dream, and believe people that don't really have our best interests at heart.And then 99 of us out of 100 don't have any success. Why? Because the gurus don't want us to know what the real secret of success is in starting an internet business is, and that is to place yourself right at the centre of your own business by basing it around your own unique areas of passion and experience.

They want you to believe that you need THEIR system, THEIR way of doing things, that what you know and have to offer has no real value whatsoever. Because then you are the ideal customer who will do what they say and buy whatever they recommend, and whenever they have stuff to sell, you will be expected to be begging for it, time after time.

Because there is a ninety nine percent chance of you not making any money, and that keeps you as a good customer for the gurus, and even if you are successful at starting an internet business , there will be 99 just like you that aren't.

But they won't be able to get their claws into you , if you put yourself and your own areas of interest at the centre of your business. If you realize that starting an internet business around a market that you already participate in and know, maybe even without realizing it.

Because you already have areas of passion and interest. Then you are putting yourself firmly in the driving seat and won't need them to hold your hand. No matter what your unique areas of passion and expertise are, you can use them to build a successful online business.

All you need to do is get what you know out of your mind and onto some paper. So what are you waiting for? Get Brainstorming!

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