Thursday, June 30, 2011

Analyze the relationship Roadmap - Map of the Treasury or Firestarter?

We all hope to follow our self-created road map that brings us happiness relationship. Question? Has led you to your roadmap to dig treasure the relationship? Otherwise, it would be a better use for them, perhaps, to help you start your next fire. Here you will learn how to transform your "wooden" treasure map to a report.

Singapore could be used to identify MapQuest Maps or the best route to your destination. I do not know your experience with these services,But I will mislead you to have more than one occasion has brought. Instead, I go where I wanted to go, I found myself in dead ends too often. What went wrong? The database that was used to create the range of my instructions as to their accuracy. But I thought the directions were accurate and therefore not in question. Sound familiar?

Jump Starter

Previously I asked you what happened is your road map report when you thought the desired relationshipDestination. Now you'll find that the way the city is a bit 'easier than the companion of your dreams, but the dynamics of the two initiatives similar to the systemic level. Consider this: Your roadmap led to the helmsman to find your dreams, or is it always led to dead-end relationship? If so, it's time to put aside those bad atlas and create a better one. Here are some simple steps to get started.

1) defies belief you have on the reportsthat is stored in personal database, or as I call it your "Emotional Library".

I use the word "emotional" in connection with "library", because almost all information stored in your personal database has an emotional component to it. For example, the first kiss. Together with the information that you know how to manipulate you saved your lips, and information about the emotions that you experienced while kissing stored. This means that you have saved General(That is how difficult it is to push the lips, the mouth, etc.) the basic thoughts on the act of kissing, along with how you felt on an emotional level (ie have its own heartbeat, the goose bumps could appear throughout the body, etc..) These two elements, basic descriptive information and the emotional context are combined to create their own knowledge about the kisses, then the emotional stored in the library. How do you kiss this thought, you can also try some of the newthe emotions that you felt that day.

Now, for the first time I introduced the algebra of thought. Unless you have a phobia about math or have a passion for learning new mathematical equations, it is probably a more difficult time getting information about your emotional state, in this case. This does not mean that the emotional component more important than the others. Rather, it indicates that there is a wide range of knowledge, some of which is easy to find for you whileother information is more difficult to access.

As you can see as you explore your base of knowledge, it is very important that you look at the factual information you have saved (the sky is blue) and the emotional component (the blue sky makes me happy). Why is it important? Consider this: why in the Library emotional exploration are false and misleading information to find the information you mistakenly believe, is to help successfulNavigating through life and create your dream relationship. Once you have found this knowledge incompetent, you can replace it with useful knowledge and production that brings a positive change in themselves. But first it is very important for you to realize that if you can not get rid of the two components of false knowledge (physical and emotional) to create useful new knowledge and have not chosen a road map to a different relationship than that of cause deadlock. One moment, take the time to writeTheir morals, values ​​and beliefs about relationships. Ask yourself: "What works for me and he does not know what information?" It 'very important to find the false and misleading information and delete it!

2) If it looks like water and tastes like water, sand, probably!

You probably have a film in which a poor soul creeps to see weak for lack of food and water, above the desert floor. Desperate and hopeless, lost travelers, and this seems to herSurprise and delight, he sees in front of a mirror 20 meters of water. His prayers answered, he surveys what little strength he has left, makes a quick and staggering towards the rejuvenation. As he approaches, his feet pedaling faster with excitement. On the water's edge, jump in the air before his hands like a diver, Olympic and falls into. . a face full of sand. There was never any water. It was an illusion, a mirage. It was not true, but it is believed the spirit was real. The man wanted water sopoor, the need to acquire the water, the general idea in his head, was so that eventually creates the illusion of water, when to bring only temporary relief from his excruciating agony. Well, very discouraged, our nomadic life has resigned to accept, he will die. Once again falls into the desert floor and takes its slow crawl. The reflection of your relationship with the story in some way? Sometimes you can be so lonely, that her opinion is a trick to think that his / her reportRoadmap has his / her report led to Utopia. If, in fact, fell for a report mirage. Be looking for relationships that are moving too fast and seem to good to be true. Sure to nurture and love themselves before they groped for love and care about each other. If others give you what they are not willing to wait to give yourself, you will be eating a lot of sand.

3) Avoid the usual way.

The man is naturally attracted to the family. He wrote our own roadmaphave much to do. Think about one of your bad break-up. They were really upset for some time and then felt better. After his return to feeling like your old self, family took your roadmap defective, said: "There will be different this time", and began traveling more painful. This model is played in different ways. Here you will find a new person to date, as you yourself said that this new person "different" from all friends or friends you have in the way, isPast. Well, this is the most predictable relationship mirage, and to discover quickly jump on the bed and always emotionally connected to fast, you know that things have not changed at all. In fact, this "new love" very familiar and it looks exactly like the "old love". To your surprise and dismay, shows that girl or boy, many of the same features, weaknesses and foibles of all your ex. Once again you find yourself choking on the sand. So happy to have someone at the momentis not "your type." Try something new and do not forget the new knowledge that is created with the new Roadmap Relationship Bliss.

Analyze the relationship Roadmap - Map of the Treasury or Firestarter?

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